Coming Down Again- The Rolling Stones MP3
beeradvocate.com- B+
Lagunitas Cappuccino Stout- Euro Market, 31 St. Astoria, NY- Bomber into Belgian Beer Glass- 8.8% ABV- This Imperial Stout poured as the name implies a coffee color and when held up let a bit of light through the edges. The tan head was about a finger thick and receded fairly quickly. Immediate aroma of coffee and or cappuccino with some caramel like qualities. Imagine a fancy Starbucks coffee. Also a bit of booze in the nose but underneath the other aromas. Nice medium body with creamy feel. Medium carbonation. A bit more than I would have liked with this beer, I have never had a coffee stout before but have read about them. This is good but I could have gone for a fuller mouth feel but this is close to what to what I would expect for a stout. Don't know if I would order this at a bar because the rich coffee tones would make it a bit rich for me to drink over an evening but a bomber of this is perfect.
LP Insert

Dust Jacket- Session Musician Photos

On the turntable is Goats Head Soup- The Rolling Stones- Recorded in 1973, Dynamic Sound Studios, Kingston, Jamaica- I am closing in on the last third of Keith Richards autobiography Life and have been listening to quite a bit of Stones lately. Goats Head Soup is a bit of a transitional album for the Stones. Following in the wake of Exile On Main St.this album has been accused of being composed of cast-offs. In my opinion this record is a pretty solid affair. Never my favorite Stones LP but one which reaps rewards after repeated efforts. Some of the tracks like Dancing With Mr. D and Coming Down Again remind me of classic era Sticky Fingers. While other tunes like 100 Years Ago and Doo Doo Doo Doo (Heartbreaker) shift to a funkier approach which remind me more of their late seventies material. This was the Stones first exposure to Jamaica and would later become a sanctuary for Keef. Jamaica would later have greater impact on their actual music but at the time of this album elements of Jamaican music are most notable in the percussion work. I included the MP3 of Coming Down Again, written and sung by Keef himself. A melancholy little ditty with some nice wah-wah guitar and backup vocals by Mick Jagger.
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