Founders Old Crumudgeon Ale- Brouweij Lane- Greenpoint, Brklyn- 32 oz. Growler into brandy snifter- hazy orange amber color- some light carbonation- the head disappeared pretty quickly and was pretty thin but I've also had the growler in the fridge for about 2 weeks which is a little long. Smooth mouth feel but not excessively creamy. Sort of a smokey woodish quality? good ale. I think i am tasting the alcohol in this one. I asked the guy in the store for a barley wine and this is the closet they had. The consistency is def what I was looking for but the taste is a little hard for me to pin down. But let me see how it goes when it warms a bit.
No records today since I'm watching old Mets promotional films on SNY and my wife is typing a paper. However I am leafing through a new book I bought the lllustrated History of Neil Young. Nice book of photos and some text covering his whole career up to the present. It is a nice companion book to his career spanning bio Shakey.
* As a side note to my last post I got a chance to listen to the other Incredible String Band LP- Hard Rope and Silken Twine. It was alot better than I expected, and actually enjoyed listening to it. The songs were a little more focused, and the voacals were not as "whimisical."
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