(forgot to post this one, its from a few weeks back)
Green Flash West Coast IPA- Community Beverage, Queens, NY- 12 oz. bottle into Brandy Snifter- Big fluffy two finger head. Nice lacing after it slowly dissipated. Nice carbonation and a bold fruity, hoppy aroma. Poured orange amber color. 7.3% ABV. Very drinkable for me. Strong but not to strong, bitter and dry but the bitterness doesn't linger to long.
I'm listening to Webb Pierces'- Cross Country LP. A distinct cover for sure, from a time when country music was genuinely soulful. I first saw this record in a book, which I believe was about album cover art.. The LP is from 1962 and is pretty much standard issue Honky Tonk/ Classic Country. Webb Pierce's most well known song maybe the classic ode to alcohol and a lovers infidelity, "There Stands A Glass". The cover of the LP says alot about this flamboyant, Nudie Suited country singer. Notice the pistols which replace the standard gearshift and glove box handles. I believe the suit designer Nudie Cohen customized the interior of this car. I've looked for this LP for awhile but resisted Ebay. Luckily I found a fairly clean copy for far less than I would have paid there.
*Footnote- Webb Pierce had a guitar shaped swimming pool in Nashville